About Us
Emerging leader in the field of Earthing, Lightning Solution & Electrical Safety
ASKT Engineering Solutions Pvt Ltd. is a renowned leader in providing top-notch electrical solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients. With past 12 years of experience in the electrical field, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner for delivering innovative and reliable electrical services. We pride ourselves on our technical expertise and commitment to excellence. Our team of highly skilled electrical engineers and technicians possesses a deep understanding of electrical systems and technologies, allowing us to offer a wide range of services tailored to meet the specific needs of each project.
Our key customers are ACC Limited, Adani Group, MSETCL, DVC and many others.
Earthing/grounding system design before commissioning of substation is okay but after some period of time or ageing of substation, design alone will not achieve anything, it is only through the careful application of that design, utilizing the products and methods defined in the installation method statements that safety can be achieved, and this system should then be maintained throughout its functional life. These measures are obvious, but so often overlooked or ignored.
Maintenance and sustainability of existing earthing system without utmost accuracy and precision is impossible, due to two main reasons that are changes in natural factors affecting the earthing design like variation in soil resistivity, change in profile of water table time to time, change in corrosion rate of soil, changes in atmospheric air like humidity, moisture contents, pollution, etc. and other reason is man-made changes to the existing system affecting directly or indirectly, the health of substation. Ex. Addition of new power bays/line, replacement of equipment’s with higher rating after failure (leading to increase in fault KA rating), addition of new earth electrodes without proper earthing knowledge/advice, no schedule maintenance for checking equipment’s integrity with earth mat in the substation occurring due to use of insulation layer created by ageing of paint or repaint, lack in maintaining equipotential bonding due to islanding of different earth mat in the switchyard premises leading to severe raise in touch and step potential parameters throughout the substation.
A earthing/grounding design comes from a risk assessment, and the sector recognizes the need to follow the measures identified in risk assessments so the design to installation process should be no exception. Focused designers in our team are able to define the specific products required to complete an installation. Removing ambiguity or need for interpretation ensures that the effective system determined through expert design can be actualized with the exact products. Any departure from those materials identified in the design potentially introduces variables in terms of the performance of a system after it has been installed.
Our technical team can offer a complete support package for earthing/grounding. Design of earthing/grounding systems is a main strength that enables us to outperform other sector companies. Our designs are completed with a focus upon the threats of step and touch voltages, transferred potentials and the safety criteria that governs the effectiveness of such systems. Our design software is capable of simulating electrical faults on a design to ascertain its performance and establish its effectiveness. All designs created by our technical department can be processed simultaneously through our operations department, should you wish to accelerate the process into a material order. ASKT team also provides training or consultancy to assist your team.
Our market-leading services in Earthing/Grounding include:
Service Provider & Consultancy: The clients that avail themselves of this service include architects, consultants, project managers and team leaders. ASKT team as consultants are often sought by name and are able to support a project from inception to commissioning and delivery.
Specification creation and review: A construction specification is a critical document and will play an integral part in the ultimate success of the project. Unfortunately, specifications frequently site superseded or obsolete standards, or implement criteria which can not only be outdated, but incorrect. Prudent consultants often seek to contact ASKT to verify that electrical safety aspects are wholly accurate and prescribe the relevant safety performance levels.
Risk profiling & Site Survey: To provide the most effective earthing/grounding solution, the correct risk profile of a site must be determined. An inaccurate risk profile will reflect a distorted perception of risk, which could result in either an over-specified earthing system that would lead to unnecessary expenditure, or more dangerously an under-specified earthing system which could mean that threats to assets and life remain unaddressed in the final installation and also after ageing of substation i.e., may be 15-20 years. As risk profiling is a performance critical element the expertise of our team is obtained to ensure that the protection levels determined are accurate. We perform no. of tests to find the real time earthing health condition of the substation and some of the test results are used for simulation in software. Whether a site requires a detailed soil resistivity survey, or thorough examination and collation of system performance data, we undertake such works and ensure that it feeds into earthing designs or performance assessments. Special activity of taking measurements at site are done by our highly-trained staff who are fully mobile and offer great test services across the nation.
Design of earthing/grounding systems: Being the most respected earthing system design consultancy in the sector, we are recognized as a prudent choice in determining earthing/grounding system designs. Being able to deliver effective earth system designs for everything from localized equipment earthing to power stations, cement industries, power generation plants and oil refineries, We are the

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